Category: Uncategorised

Gender and international migration: globalisation, development and governance (editorial introduction 2012)

Introduction to Feminist Economics Special Issue on Gender and International Migration Volume 18 (2) By Lourdes Beneria, Carmen Diana Deere and Naila KabeerThis contribution examines the connections between gender and international migration around three...

Keynote paper at Expert Meeting on women’s empowerment and inclusive growth (organised by IDRC and DFID)

IDRC Highlight: Exploring how to increase women’s labour market participation 26/01/2012, London, UK, Global Events IDRC and the UK Department of International Development (DFID) convened an expert meeting in January 2012, hosted by the...

The debate post-2015: What next?

The Millennium Development Goals are set to expire in 2015. Never before has a group of global goals so galvanized the world to fight poverty, disease and hunger. But What Next? A lively debate...

‘Alternative measures of chronic poverty’ in What works for the poorest? Knowledge, targeting, policies and practices edited by David Hulme, David Lawson, Imran Matin and Karen Moore (Practical Action Publishing)

Poverty reduction has become the central goal of development policies over the last decade but there is a growing realization that the poorest people rarely benefit from poverty reduction programmes. Microfinance programmes can help...

‘Women’s empowerment, development interventions and the management of information flows’ IDS Bulletin Vol. 41 (6): 105-113

This article takes gender inequalities in the distribution of power as its point of departure. Given the widespread evidence of the extent to which women, particularly poor women, have been marginalised in processes by...

‘Social protection in Asia: research findings and policy lessons’ IDS Report (with S. Cook, D. Chopra and P. Ainsworth)

This publication reports on research carried out in six Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and China. It covers a variety of schemes and interventions in these countries, including disaster management lessons from...

“Microfinance and social mobilization: alternative pathways to grassroots democracy?” – Mobilising for Democracy: Citizen Action and the Politics of Public Participation

This chapter discusses civil society, grassroots democracy and service delivery from the perspective of the NGO sector in Bangladesh. Owing to copyright restrictions, only the first 3 pages are attached, together with a link...