Category: Social Protection, Poverty, Vulnerability

Conditional Cash Transfers – A Systematic Review

Aim of the study The growing attention to social protection within the international development community since the late 1990s reflects various factors: the failure of short-term emergency responses to deal with structural food deficits,...

‘Productive safety nets for women in extreme poverty. Lessons from pilot projects in India and Pakistan’ Centre for Development Policy and Research Working Paper No. 28/2012, School of Oriental and African Studies

Conventional government schemes and microfinance interventions have struggled to reach the poorest and help them escape the confines of extreme poverty. In response, BRAC, Bangladesh’s largest non-governmental organisation (NGO), developed an innovative approach that...

‘Alternative measures of chronic poverty’ in What works for the poorest? Knowledge, targeting, policies and practices edited by David Hulme, David Lawson, Imran Matin and Karen Moore (Practical Action Publishing)

Poverty reduction has become the central goal of development policies over the last decade but there is a growing realization that the poorest people rarely benefit from poverty reduction programmes. Microfinance programmes can help...

‘Social protection in Asia: research findings and policy lessons’ IDS Report (with S. Cook, D. Chopra and P. Ainsworth)

This publication reports on research carried out in six Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and China. It covers a variety of schemes and interventions in these countries, including disaster management lessons from...

Gender and social protection in the informal economy: lessons from experience

Ninth Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting “Gender Issues in Economic Crisis, Recovery and Beyond: Women as Agents of Transformation” Bridgetown, Barbados, 7-9 June 2010.  Session IV: Ministerial Roundtable WAMM(10)(RT2)1(a) GENDER & SOCIAL PROTECTION: LESSONS...

‘Beyond risk management: vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan’ Journal of International Development Vol. 22 (1): 1-19

The paper below highlights rights-based approaches to social protection. According to this conceptualisation, all people have the right to a minimum income due to their citizenship rights, and access to enough resources to allow...

‘Scoping study on social protection: evidence on impacts and directions for future research’ Research and Evidence Division, DFID London.

This paper provides an overview of the evidence on the impacts of social protection in developing country contexts with a view to developing a future research agenda on social protection in low income countries....