Category: Policy Advocacy and Development Practice

Conditional Cash Transfers – A Systematic Review

Aim of the study The growing attention to social protection within the international development community since the late 1990s reflects various factors: the failure of short-term emergency responses to deal with structural food deficits,...

Public lecture: Tracking the gender politics of the Millennium Development Goals: from the Millennium Declaration to the post-2015 consultations

Gendering the Social Sciences: a Gender Institute public lecture Date: Wednesday 2 October 2013 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speaker: Professor Naila Kabeer Chair: Professor Diane Perrons The Millennium Declaration, signed by over 180 world...

Contexualizing economic pathways to women’s empowerment: findings from a multi-country study

Pathways Policy Paper October 2011 A number of key findings emerged from our research. While our surveys confirmed the      overall importance of women’s access to paid work for improvements in different aspects of their...

‘Women’s empowerment, development interventions and the management of information flows’ IDS Bulletin Vol. 41 (6): 105-113

This article takes gender inequalities in the distribution of power as its point of departure. Given the widespread evidence of the extent to which women, particularly poor women, have been marginalised in processes by...

‘Social protection in Asia: research findings and policy lessons’ IDS Report (with S. Cook, D. Chopra and P. Ainsworth)

This publication reports on research carried out in six Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and China. It covers a variety of schemes and interventions in these countries, including disaster management lessons from...

‘Scoping study on social protection: evidence on impacts and directions for future research’ Research and Evidence Division, DFID London.

This paper provides an overview of the evidence on the impacts of social protection in developing country contexts with a view to developing a future research agenda on social protection in low income countries....