‘Preparing for the future: forward looking strategies to promote gender equality in Vietnam’ UNDP, Hanoi (with Tran Thi Van Anh and Vu Manh Loi)

Gender roles in Viet Nam are heavily influenced by the country’s Confucian past, agrarian social structures, the country’s experience of war and socialist orientation. The transition to the market and increasing interaction with the world outside have contributed to changes to traditional gender roles, expectations and perceptions.

This United Nations/World Bank Thematic Discussion Paper identifies key priority areas and specifies concrete indicators of progress in support of the implementation of the Viet Nam’s gender equity strategy. It is based on extensive consultation involving gender specialists, scholars and representatives of government agencies, civil society organizations, donors and United Nations agencies. The objective of these consultation activities was to share policy priorities for the formulation of the Socio-Economic Development Plan 2006-2010 and other development programmes.

The paper identifies five priority areas: Gender the productive economy; access to quality childcare; women’s reproductive health; domestic violence and women’s participation in decision-making.

[gview file=”http://nailakabeer.net/wp-content/uploads/2005/09/22102_5655_gp-e.pdf”]

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