Realidades trastocadas / Reversed Realities

getBookImgDisrupted realities highlights the rooted prejudices that are at the basis of the theory of the dominant development in our day and are responsible for the marginal place that women are relegated to the current policies of the matter. Naila Kabeer goes back to the emergence of women as a category specified in development thinking and examines alternative frameworks for analyzing gender hierarchies. From the statement that the home is an area of ​​paramount importance for the generation of power relations, Kabeer compares different approaches to the concept of the family unit and observe to what extent gender inequalities in each of these approaches are revealed . The book evaluates how inadequate it is to use the poverty line as a measurement tool and a critical analysis of population control, a topic that feminists have hotly disputed. While feminists themselves lack a unanimous position regarding the meaning of the selected reproduction, Kabeer argues that it is urgent that they are the ones who spearhead the elaboration of population policies. It is, in the words of Nancy Folbre, a splendid synthesis of new feminist development economics that challenges gender bias both in theory and in practice. .

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