‘Gender, development, and training: raising awareness in the planning process’, Development and Social Diversity, Development in Practice Reader, UK and Ireland: Oxfam

This book is the report of a three-day workshop which took place in Oxford, UK, in May 1993. It is a collection of articles on gender planning, which resulted from a conference sponsored by EUROSTEP, a European consortium of development agencies and other European networks. The book includes both keynote papers and thematic papers on theoretical and practical issues, as well as 12 case studies from across Europe, with contributions from academics and practitioners. The workshop focused on developing common strategies for integrating gender-fair policies and practice into the programmes of EUROSTEP agencies, within their own organizations and in their work with women in poor communities of the South. The workshop was the beginning of a process aimed at gaining a collective understanding of what gender and development practitioners were proposing and how they wanted to move forward. The specific objectives that gathered the EUROSTEP agencies together were: to promote an exchange of experiences in research, monitoring and evaluation, and information about practical tools and strategies for future work; to promote the development of new methodologies and systemize best practice; and to strengthen member agencies’ work on gender and to identify ways of working together to avoid duplication, move forward effectively and meet forthcoming challenges. A dynamic analysis of gender issues which reflects the concerns and realities of the women in the South is needed.

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