Category: Uncategorised

Gender and social protection in the informal economy: lessons from experience

Ninth Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting “Gender Issues in Economic Crisis, Recovery and Beyond: Women as Agents of Transformation” Bridgetown, Barbados, 7-9 June 2010.  Session IV: Ministerial Roundtable WAMM(10)(RT2)1(a) GENDER & SOCIAL PROTECTION: LESSONS...

‘Women’s economic empowerment: key issues and policy options’ SIDA Policy Women’s Economic Empowerment Series (SIDA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden)

This paper argues strongly that the values that underpin the arguments for women’s empowerment are exactly the kind of values that we might want to help us on our way in the current economic...

‘Conceptualising empowerment and the implications for pro-poor growth.’ Policy paper for OECD-DAC Poverty Network, Paris

This paper proposes a framework for how empowerment can be conceptually understood and operationally explored. It makes recommendations for forthcoming areas of work within the POVNET Work Programme on empowering poor women and men...

Brick Lane: Fact, fiction and film

Sarah Gavron’s recently released film of Monica Ali’s novel Brick Lane will inevitably raise questions among those who have read the novel about the relationship between the two: is it true to the novel?...