Category: Uncategorised

‘Compensating for institutional exclusion? Lessons from Indian government and non-government credit interventions for the poor’, IDS Discussion Paper No. 356, Brighton (co-authored with Ranjani Krishnamurthy)

This paper conceptualises poverty as the product of multiple, and frequently interlocking, forms of institutional exclusion and focuses on the exclusion of the poor from mainstream financial institutions in India in order to analyse...

‘Gender, Demographic Transitions and the Economics of Family Size: Population Policy for a Human-centred Development’, UNRISD Occasional Paper No. 7

In preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women which was held in Beijing in September 1995, UNRISD initiated an Occasional Paper Series reflecting work carried out under the UNRISD/UNDP project, Technical Co-operation and Women’s...

‘Selective Rights, Collective Wrongs: Women, body-politics and the development agenda’, Index on Censorship, Vol. 4, Special Issue for the Beijing Conference

Official development-speak calculates time in decades. The U Ndeclared the 1960s the ‘First Decade of Development’, by whichreckoning, we are now in the fourth decade of development. Women,however, were not discovered until half-way through...

‘Cultural Dopes or Rational Fools: Women, Factory Employment and Garment Production in Bangladesh’, European Journal of Development Research, vol. 3, no. 1, July.

.. WOMEN AND LABOUR SUPPLY IN BANGLADESH 139 VI. … Fortunately, we do not have to make a choice between the polarised abstractions of individualism and structuralism, between treating human agents as rational fools, on the one hand, or as cultural dopes, on the … Read Now

Anu in Bangladesh

     Anu in Bangladesh (Beans) Book   This is part of a series for 8 to 13 year olds in which each book describes a particular place, job or way of life. The...

‘Organising landless women in Bangladesh: the case of Saptagram’, Community Development Journal, April

Organising Landless Women in … live in the rural areas and a substantial proportion of them belong to households that are either landless or do not … Increasing landlessness, falling real wages, falling per capita calorie intake and high infant mortality rates inevitably lead one to...