Category: Uncategorised

‘Family bargaining’ in International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences’ (co-edited by Neil Smelser and Paul Bates) Elsevier Press

This article reviews different social science approaches to the analysis of bargaining in the specific context of family-based households. Economic approaches have tended to focus on ‘the household’ and to treat its members as...

Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’ World Development, Vol. 29 No. 1 January 2001

This paper explores the reasons why recent evaluations of the empowerment potential of credit programs for rural women in Bangladesh have arrived at very conflicting conclusions. Although these evaluations use somewhat different methodologies and...

‘Deprivation, discrimination and delivery: explaining child labour and educational failure in South Asia’ in Needs versus rights? Child labour and the right to education in south Asia (edited collection) Sage Publications, New Dehli

The high incidence of both child labour and out-of-school children in the South Asian region has given rise to competing explanations. Broadly speaking, these can be categorised as those which focus on poverty and...

‘Ideas, economics and the ‘sociology of supply’: Explanations for fertility decline in Bangladesh’ Journal of Development Studies (Vol. 38) No.1

The persistence of high rates of fertility in Bangladesh, despite the poverty of its population, has been given alternative, and apparently competing, explanations, including the absence of effective forms of family planning, the resilience...

Living with uncertainty: gender, livelihoods and pro-poor growth in sub-Saharan Africa’ DS Working Paper 134 (co-authored with Ann Whitehead)

This paper provides a gender perspective on recent arguments about the link between economic growth and poverty reduction in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Recent research from the African context, which adopts a ‘bargaining’ approach in...

‘Reflections on the measurement of women’s empowerment’ in Discussing women’s empowerment: theory and practice SIDA Studies No. 3 SIDA, Stockholm

Series of papers on women’s empowerment that have both policy and methodological implications, presented at a SIDA workshop on ‘Power, Resources and Culture in a Gender Perspective: Towards a Dialogue Between Gender Research and Development...

Realidades trastocadas / Reversed Realities

Disrupted realities highlights the rooted prejudices that are at the basis of the theory of the dominant development in our day and are responsible for the marginal place that women are relegated to the...