Category: Policy Advocacy and Development Practice

‘Women’s economic empowerment: key issues and policy options’ SIDA Policy Women’s Economic Empowerment Series (SIDA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden)

This paper argues strongly that the values that underpin the arguments for women’s empowerment are exactly the kind of values that we might want to help us on our way in the current economic...

2009 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development Women’s control over economic resources and access to financial resources

Ensuring women’s economic empowerment and access to and control over resources requires an integrated approach to growth and development, focused on gender-responsive employment promotion and informed by the interdependency between economic and social development....

‘Conceptualising empowerment and the implications for pro-poor growth.’ Policy paper for OECD-DAC Poverty Network, Paris

This paper proposes a framework for how empowerment can be conceptually understood and operationally explored. It makes recommendations for forthcoming areas of work within the POVNET Work Programme on empowering poor women and men...

‘Preparing for the future: forward looking strategies to promote gender equality in Vietnam’ UNDP, Hanoi (with Tran Thi Van Anh and Vu Manh Loi)

Gender roles in Viet Nam are heavily influenced by the country’s Confucian past, agrarian social structures, the country’s experience of war and socialist orientation. The transition to the market and increasing interaction with the world outside...

Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: Promoting Women’s Capabilities and Participation, Gender & Development Discussion Paper Series, No 13, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

This publication is based on a keynote presentation by Professor Naila Kabeer, from the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex to the first session of UNESCAP’s Committee on Emerging Social Issues, Bangkok, 4 September 2003....