Naila Kabeer Articles, Media and More...

The decline in ‘missing women’ in Bangladesh

Alarm about the declining ratio of girls to boys in the Indian population, evidence of a particularly lethal form of gender discrimination, has overshadowed the more positive trend that is emerging in neighbouring Bangladesh...

The David Morrison Lecture 2012 Microfinance and Social Mobilisation: Alternative Models of Social Change Professor Naila Kabeer Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:30 p.m. Market Hall, Peterborough

 Microfinance and Social Mobilisation: Alternative Models of Social Change Professor Naila Kabeer Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:30 p.m. Market Hall, Peterborough The density of associational life in a society is considered to contribute to...

Empowerment, citizenship and gender justice: a contribution to locally grounded theories of change in women’s lives (article 2012)

Struggles for gender justice by women’s movements have sought to give legal recognition to gender equality at both national and international levels. However, such society-wide goals may have little resonance in the lives of...

Gender and international migration: globalisation, development and governance (editorial introduction 2012)

Introduction to Feminist Economics Special Issue on Gender and International Migration Volume 18 (2) By Lourdes Beneria, Carmen Diana Deere and Naila KabeerThis contribution examines the connections between gender and international migration around three...