Category: Uncategorised

Women and Girls Rising: “Gender equality and economic growth: a win-win agenda? in Progress and resistance around the world (Routledge) edited by Ellen Chesler and Terry McGovern

Review ‘It is essential that we create a new normal―in our homes, in our nations, and in this United States―and that is what the dedicated and talented women and men whose voices are represented...

The David Morrison Lecture 2012 Microfinance and Social Mobilisation: Alternative Models of Social Change Professor Naila Kabeer Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:30 p.m. Market Hall, Peterborough

 Microfinance and Social Mobilisation: Alternative Models of Social Change Professor Naila Kabeer Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:30 p.m. Market Hall, Peterborough The density of associational life in a society is considered to contribute to...