Author: Naila Kabeer

South Asia’s ‘missing daughters’

In India, nearly 10 million women have gone missing since 1985. Sex-selective abortion, infanticide, and the neglect/discrimination of India’s daughters have been recognized by some, such as India’s national newspaper, The Hindu, as a...

Contexualizing economic pathways to women’s empowerment: findings from a multi-country study

Pathways Policy Paper October 2011 A number of key findings emerged from our research. While our surveys confirmed the      overall importance of women’s access to paid work for improvements in different aspects of their...

Le « déficit de filles » en Asie du Sud

Watch Here Depuis 1985, près de 10 millions de femmes ont disparu en Inde. Les avortements sélectifs fondés sur le sexe, les cas d’infanticide et les gestes de négligence et de discrimination à l’égard...

The power of relationships: love and solidarity in a landless women’s organisation in rural Bangladesh

This article examines the significance of social relationships in women’s lives and their relevance to processes of women’s empowerment. In Bangladesh, traditional structures limit women’s social interaction to their immediate family and maintain male...

Can paid work provide a pathway to women’s empowerment: findings from a survey in Bangladesh (IDS Pathways Working Paper No. 2011/No. 375 The debate about the relationship between paid work and women’s position within the family and society is a long standing one. Some argue that women’s integration into the market is the key to...

‘Between affiliation and autonomy. Navigating pathways of women’s empowerment and gender justice in Bangladesh’ Development and Change Vol. 42 (2): 499-528

Inasmuch as women’s subordinate status is a product of the patriarchal structures of constraint that prevail in specific contexts, pathways of women’s empowerment are likely to be “path dependent.” They will be shaped by...

‘Alternative measures of chronic poverty’ in What works for the poorest? Knowledge, targeting, policies and practices edited by David Hulme, David Lawson, Imran Matin and Karen Moore (Practical Action Publishing)

Poverty reduction has become the central goal of development policies over the last decade but there is a growing realization that the poorest people rarely benefit from poverty reduction programmes. Microfinance programmes can help...