Author: Naila Kabeer

‘Intergenerational contracts, demographic transitions and the ‘quantity-quality’ trade-off: children, parents and investing in the future’ Journal of International Development Vol 12(4): 463-482

This paper explores why so many children remain outside the schooling system, despite the current emphasis on education as a form of human capital and as a basic human right. The value given to...

‘Leaving the Rice Fields but not the Village’: Gender, livelihoods diversification and implications for pro-poor growth in rural Vietnam. UNRISD Discussion paper No. 13.

In the late 1980s, Viet Nam initiated a programme of “economic renovation”, doi moi, to promote the transition from a centrally planned to a market-based economy. The key goals of the policy package were economic...

‘Resources, agency , achievement: Reflections on the measurement of women’s empowerment’ Development and Change July, 1999. 2000.Reprinted in Razavi S. (ed). Gendered Poverty and Well-Being Oxford: Blackwell.

This paper begins from the understanding that women’s empowerment is about the process by which those who have been denied the ability to make strategic life choices acquire such an ability. A wide gap...

‘[Bangladesh] A Thrice-Partitioned History’, in Index on Censorship, Special Issue on Partition in the Sub-Continent, Vol. 6, pp. 59-66

 The partition of a nation is generally accompanied by the simultaneous evocation of notions of identity as the basis of its separate components, and of difference to rationalise their separation [gview file=””]

‘Compensating for institutional exclusion? Lessons from Indian government and non-government credit interventions for the poor’, IDS Discussion Paper No. 356, Brighton (co-authored with Ranjani Krishnamurthy)

This paper conceptualises poverty as the product of multiple, and frequently interlocking, forms of institutional exclusion and focuses on the exclusion of the poor from mainstream financial institutions in India in order to analyse...